There are still alot of people out there performing the ever-decreasing circle mow routine around the stump. An easy solution is to call StumpOut.
They are the only specialist stump removal company in Palmerston North and can easily grind your standard type of stump, or even something that takes up half the yard.
Vaughan and Lynette Cruden, together with staff and family operate StumpOut and its sister business MegaMulch. Stumpgrinding is a relatively painless procedure that requires grinding the stump with their Rayco machine, or for tricky little areas the Dosko to a depth of around 8inches. Taking root splay into account as well the powerful machine makes dust of even the hardest stumps. Leaving a tidy pile of shavings and an area ready to replant or regrass.
Stumps don’t need to be a problem – It’s a quick and easy solution when you get in the experts. Palmerston Norths leading stump grinding team.
The specialist stump grinding machine bought from America has proved to be a real winner. It is so versatile it can fit into most areas and there is no limit to the size of stump to be tackled. One memorable beast was a fig tree which virtually took up a whole back yard, no problem!
Most often Lynette encounters women ringing to say their partners have broken both their spades and and put their backs out trying to tackle annoying stumps. They are relieved when we take out the stumps promptly and for a reasonable cost. There is also a smaller machine for trickier spots.